Experimente esta harmonia de sabores.
R$ 22
Sopa à base de pasta de soja com algas japonesas, queijo frescal e cebolinha.
Japanese soup made with soy paste, japanese seaweed, white cheese and spring onions.
Japanese soup made with soy paste, japanese seaweed, white cheese and spring onions.
Sunomono com Salmão
R$ 32
Salada de pepino agridoce com alga japonesa e gergelim e Salmão.
Cucumber salad in sweet and sour sauce, with japanese seaweed and sesame seeds with Salmon.
Cucumber salad in sweet and sour sauce, with japanese seaweed and sesame seeds with Salmon.
Magurô com pimenta
R$ 45
Cubos de Atum grelhado no shoyu e sakê, levemente apimentado.
Grilled tuna cubes in soy sauce and sake slightly spicy.
Grilled tuna cubes in soy sauce and sake slightly spicy.
Tori teriaki
R$ 32
Cubos de frango tempura com molho de gengibre e tangerina picante.
Chiken tempura in spicy ginger orange souce.
Chiken tempura in spicy ginger orange souce.
Jardim de cogumelos
R$ 39
Cogumelos salteados na manteiga brócolis e tomate cereja.
Grilled mushrooms salted in butter.
Grilled mushrooms salted in butter.
Guioza (6 unid.)
R$ 32
Massa fina e crocante recheada com carne suína.
Crispy pork meat dumplings.
Crispy pork meat dumplings.
Harumaki (2 unid.)
R$ 15
Massa fina e crocante recheada com legumes.
Spring rolls crispy thin pastry stuffed with vegetables.
Spring rolls crispy thin pastry stuffed with vegetables.
R$ 32
Vagem japonesa.
Japanese green beans.
Japanese green beans.
Maki hakussai
R$ 45
Rolinhos de arroz envoltos por acelga, recheado com salmão, gengibre e azeite de gergelim torrado.
Rice rolls wrapped in salmon stuffed with napa cabbage, ginger, sesame roasted oil and Katsuobush.
Rice rolls wrapped in salmon stuffed with napa cabbage, ginger, sesame roasted oil and Katsuobush.
Gunka kiuri
R$ 45
Dangô de arroz envoltos por uma fatia de pepino recheado com salmão e furikake.
Rice balls wrapped in cucumber slice, stuffed with salmon and furikake.
Rice balls wrapped in cucumber slice, stuffed with salmon and furikake.
Joujou burning
R$ 50
Dangô de arroz envoltos por sashimi, recheados com salmão, geleia de pimenta e flambado com licor de laranja.
Rice dumplings wrapped in sashimi, stuffed with salmon, jelly pepper and flamed with orange liqueur.
Rice dumplings wrapped in sashimi, stuffed with salmon, jelly pepper and flamed with orange liqueur.
Ebi fried
R$ 58
Uramaki recheado com camarão empanado, Abacaxi', coberto por salmao e maionese de wasabi e ovas de Capelin.
Uramaki stuffed with breaded shrimp, covered by salmao and wasabi mayo and Capelin roes.
Uramaki stuffed with breaded shrimp, covered by salmao and wasabi mayo and Capelin roes.
Joe trufado
R$ 59
Dangô de arroz envoltos por fina fatia de salmão, ou Atum, recheado com pedaços de salmão ou atum, creme trufado e cebolinha.
Rice dumpling wrapped in a thin slice of salmon, stuffed with pieces of salmon, cream cheese and spring onions.
Rice dumpling wrapped in a thin slice of salmon, stuffed with pieces of salmon, cream cheese and spring onions.
California lemon
R$ 48
Uramaki de tempura de kani, manga e pepino, envolto por carpaccio de salmão, raspa de limão ciciliano e flor de sal.
Uramaki of kani tempura, mango and cucumber, wrapped in carpaccio of salmon, lemon zest and salt.
Uramaki of kani tempura, mango and cucumber, wrapped in carpaccio of salmon, lemon zest and salt.
Giu tataki nigiri
R$ 15
Nigiri de Filet Mignon apimentado.
Spicy Filet mignon nigiri.
Spicy Filet mignon nigiri.
Rainbow maki
R$ 52
Uramaki de salmão grelhado coberto por finas fatias de sashimi de atum, salmão e guacamole.
Grilled salmon uramaki covered by thin slices of salmon and tuna sashimi and guacamole.
Grilled salmon uramaki covered by thin slices of salmon and tuna sashimi and guacamole.
Camarão lúdico
R$ 58
Tempurá de camarão, aspargos frescos e abacate, coberto por atum e ovas de capelin.
Shrimp tempura, fresh asparagus and avocado, topped with tuna and capelin roe.
Shrimp tempura, fresh asparagus and avocado, topped with tuna and capelin roe.
Carpaccio de polvo
R$ 159
R$ 79
Atum ou Salmão com gergelim grelhado com maçarico e molho tare.
Tuna or Salmon with sesame seeds grilled with a blow torch, with tare sauce.
Tuna or Salmon with sesame seeds grilled with a blow torch, with tare sauce.
R$ 65
Finas fatias de peixe branco no molho ponzu.
Thin slices of white fish with ponzu sauce.
Thin slices of white fish with ponzu sauce.
Tiradito de atum
R$ 75
Carpaccio de Atum com Ponzu Apimentado.
Tuna Carpaccio in a spyce Ponzu.
Tuna Carpaccio in a spyce Ponzu.
Poke do dia
R$ 54
Hawaiian Poke 300grs
Ceviche com frutos do mar
R$ 69
Cocção de frutos do mar no limão, gengibre e especiarias.
Seafood cooking in lemon, ginger and spice.
Seafood cooking in lemon, ginger and spice.
Hot roll especial
R$ 55
Hossomaki recheados com salmão, creme cheese, envoltos por tartar de salmão e molho jalapeno.
Hossomaki stuffed with salmon, cream cheese, wrapped by salmon tartar and jalapeno sauce.
Hossomaki stuffed with salmon, cream cheese, wrapped by salmon tartar and jalapeno sauce.
R$ 59
Urumaki de camarão, Alho Poro envoltos por filet mignon e maionese tailandesa.
Uramaki of prawns wrapped by filet mignon in a thailand mayo.
Uramaki of prawns wrapped by filet mignon in a thailand mayo.
Tataki de mignon
R$ 72
Mignon ao pesto de quinoa.
Medium rare filet mignon in a quinoa pesto.
Medium rare filet mignon in a quinoa pesto.
R$ 45
Vieiras com manteiga e trufas.
Scallops with butter and truffes.
Scallops with butter and truffes.
Carpaccio de salmão
R$ 72
Salmon carpaccio
Magurô onegai
R$ 49
Uramaki de atum picante e pepino, envolto por tiradito de atum, gari e tarê.
Uramaki of spicy tuna and cucumber, wrapped by tiradito of tuna, gari and tarê.
Uramaki of spicy tuna and cucumber, wrapped by tiradito of tuna, gari and tarê.
Dangô de arroz coberto por fina fatia de peixe (par).
Rice dumplings covered with thin slices of fisch (pair).
Barriga de Salmão
R$ 18
Barriga de salmão, limão siciliano e azeite de trufa.
R$ 12
Flor de sal e momid oroshi.
Peixe branco
R$ 9
Peixe branco com jalapeña e oliva.
White fish.
White fish.
R$ 20
Ôtoro com massagô e ponzu de wassabi.
Camarão gratinado
R$ 14
Camarão gratinado de blue chesse.
Nigiri de Hokigai
R$ 26
Nigiri de ostras
R$ 12
Ostras ao bafo ao ponzu siciliano.
Enguia com Choga Negi
R$ 45
Enguia com Choga Negi
Nigiri de polvo
R$ 18
Tare e Shoga Negi.
Nigiri de salmão
R$ 10
Flor de Sal.
Fatias de peixe cru (12 unidades).
Slices of raw fish (12 slices).
R$ 75
R$ 70
Peixe branco
R$ 60
White fish.
R$ 125
R$ 250
06 salmão, 06 atum, 06 peixe branco, 06 polvo, 04 tataki salmão, 04 tataki atum.
06 salmon, 08 tuna, 08 white fish, 06 octopus, 04 salmon tataki; 04 tuna tatak.
06 salmon, 08 tuna, 08 white fish, 06 octopus, 04 salmon tataki; 04 tuna tatak.
Alga japonesa recheada em forma de cone.
Stuffed shaped Cone seaweed.
R$ 33
Atum, guacamole, alho poró e tabasco verde.
Tuna, avocado, french garlic and jalapeno sauce.
Tuna, avocado, french garlic and jalapeno sauce.
R$ 33
Salmão, shitake e Cream cheese ao molho de ostra.
Salmon, shitake and cream cheese with oyster sauce.
Salmon, shitake and cream cheese with oyster sauce.
R$ 35
Camarão tempura, shimeji e maionese de wasabi.
Tempura prawns, shimeji and wasabi mayo.
Tempura prawns, shimeji and wasabi mayo.
Hollow trees
R$ 30
Tempura de kani, maionese de capelin picante e cebolinha.
Crab tempura, spicy mayo of capelin and spring onion.
Crab tempura, spicy mayo of capelin and spring onion.
Punta rocas
R$ 30
Peixe branco, gengibre, raspas de limão siciliano e molho jalapeño.
Whith fish, ginger, lemon zest in a jalapeno sauce.
Whith fish, ginger, lemon zest in a jalapeno sauce.
R$ 32
Salmão tempura, spicy cheese ao molho tare.
Tempura salmon, spicy cheese in tare sauce.
Tempura salmon, spicy cheese in tare sauce.
R$ 40
Polvo Marinado no Leite de Tigre, Geleia de Pimenta e Tare.
Marineded Octopus with Jelly Pepper and Tare Souce.
Marineded Octopus with Jelly Pepper and Tare Souce.
Monte seu temaki
R$ 42
Monte seu temaki (3 ingredientes e um molho).
Make your own temaki (3 ingredients and 1 sauce).
Make your own temaki (3 ingredients and 1 sauce).
08 unidades.
08 rolls.
R$ 36
Hossomaki de Rúcula, tomate seco e Blue cheese picante.
Rocket salad, dry tomato and spicy Blue cheese.
Rocket salad, dry tomato and spicy Blue cheese.
R$ 45
Folha de Acelga, soja, shiitak e castanha.
Chand, soy, shiitake and chestnut.
Chand, soy, shiitake and chestnut.
R$ 36
Tempura de Brócolis, Abacate e tabasco verde.
Broccoli Tempura, Avocado and green tabasco sauce.
Broccoli Tempura, Avocado and green tabasco sauce.
R$ 39
Folha de Couve, shimeji e Aspargos e Tabasco Vermelha.
Cabbage, shimeji, aspargus and red tabaco sauce.
Cabbage, shimeji, aspargus and red tabaco sauce.
R$ 36
Gunkan de Pepino, guacamole com chips de batata doce.
Guacamole with sweet potato chips.
Guacamole with sweet potato chips.
R$ 39
Gunkan de tamago com alcachofras com Crispy de Poro.
Japonesse omelet with artchoke and French Garlic.
Japonesse omelet with artchoke and French Garlic.
R$ 39
Uramaki de Tempura de Couve Flor Gratinado, geleia de pimenta e Crispy de Cenoura.
Aninha Martinez
R$ 42
Gunkan de ovo de codorna ao pesto de quinoa.
Quail egg in a quinoa pesto.
Quail egg in a quinoa pesto.
Monte seu vegetariano
R$ 45
Monte o seu prato vegetariano (03 ingredientes, 1 molho).
Make your own vegetarian dish (03 ingredients, 1 sauce).
Make your own vegetarian dish (03 ingredients, 1 sauce).
Omakase Kojin
R$ 108
1 entrada + 18 peças: 4 maki, 4 nigiri, 4 joe e 6 sashimi
1 starter + 18 pieces: 4 maki, 4 nigiri, 4 joe, 6 sashimi
1 starter + 18 pieces: 4 maki, 4 nigiri, 4 joe, 6 sashimi
Omakase Feng Shui
R$ 192
32 peças: 8 Makis, 6 nigiri, 12 sashimi e 6 Gunkan
32 pices: 8 Makis, 6 nigiri, 12 sashimi e 6 Gunkan
32 pices: 8 Makis, 6 nigiri, 12 sashimi e 6 Gunkan
Omakase Sushi Bistrot
R$ 318
50 peças: 2 entradas, 12 Makis, 12 nigiris, 20 sashimis e 6 Gunkan.
50 pieces: 2 starter, 12 Makis, 12 nigiris, 20 sashimis e 6 Gunkan.
50 pieces: 2 starter, 12 Makis, 12 nigiris, 20 sashimis e 6 Gunkan.
Omakase salmão
R$ 208
40 peças: 1 entrada, 8 Makis, 05 Joe, 05 Nigiri Salmão, 10 Hot Fila, 12 Sashimis
40 pieces: 1 starter, 8 Makis, 05 Joe, 05 Nigiri Salmão, 10 Hot Fila, 12 Sashimis
40 pieces: 1 starter, 8 Makis, 05 Joe, 05 Nigiri Salmão, 10 Hot Fila, 12 Sashimis
Omakase do Chef
R$ 240
1 Entrada; 10 Nigiri Iguarias; 1 Prato Quente; 1 Sobremesa
1 Starter, 10 Niguiri Delicacies, 10 Hot Dish, 1 Dessert
1 Starter, 10 Niguiri Delicacies, 10 Hot Dish, 1 Dessert
R$ 48 - 58
Frango, carne ou salmão com camarão - 500grs.
Chicken, beef or prawn.
Chicken, beef or prawn.
R$ 65
Peixe grelhado 180grs com arroz e legumes.
Grilled fish with rice and vegetables.
Grilled fish with rice and vegetables.
Nazi goren
R$ 55
Arrow refogado com frutos do mar, ovo e legumes.
Fried rice with sea food, eggs and vegetables.
Fried rice with sea food, eggs and vegetables.
Petit gateau com sorvete
R$ 32
Petit gateau with ice cream.
Sorvete com calda de chocolate
R$ 25
Ice cream with chocolate on top.
Joe de goiabada com surpresa
R$ 30
Joe de goiabada com surpresa (04 rolls).
Guava joe with nutella surprise (04 rolls).
Guava joe with nutella surprise (04 rolls).
Sobremesa do dia
R$ 35
Dessert of the day.
Sakê shot
R$ 18
Sakê hot
R$ 35
R$ 30
R$ 90
R$ 99
R$ 119
R$ 139
Hakushika Josen
R$ 189
Hakushika Golden
R$ 269
Cervejas artesanais
À consultar
Craft beers
Cervejas pilsen
R$ 16
Pilsen beer
Cerveja escura
R$ 18
Dark beer
Cerveja de trigo
R$ 18
Wheat beer
R$ 17
R$ 45
Japanese whisky
R$ 18
R$ 12
R$ 22
Suco integral de uva
R$ 16
Grape juyce
R$ 9
Soft drink / soda
R$ 5
Japonese green tea
Chá gelado
R$ 14
Iced tea
Água mineral
R$ 7,50 - 16
Mineral water
Água com gás
R$ 7,50 - 16
Sparkling water
R$ 35
R$ 30
R$ 32
R$ 32
Gin tônica
R$ 33
Jorge Amado
R$ 45
Drink sem alcool
R$ 22
R$ 40
Hospede-se em nossa Guest House.
A casa do nosso Chef – Renato Mazurek, está localizada próximo ao canal da Barra da Lagoa e conta com dois confortáveis apartamentos individuais com muita energia e conforto para sua estadia em Florianópolis.